Who we are

Advance Therapy is an allied health service provider establish in 2021 in Melbourne as a way to address the health care needs for people living with disabilities, disorders and delays in key health domains including Language and Communication, Movement and Participation in life occupations. 
At Advance Therapy, our team is united with a vision to improve the health and wellbeing of the people we serve. We remove the barriers that often limit those from achieve their very best on a daily basis.  

Our therapy team works with each other to provide a holistic service to all our participants. Our operations are designed to acknowledge and address your concerns as we put our patients at the centre of our decisions. 

Our Approach

At Advance Therapy we approach healthcare from the perspective of being truly client centred.  

We address the concerns raised by the community we service.

  • We offer individualised choice and control on location we treat, the therapy team you want, internal collaboration within our multi-disciplinary team and the direction you wish to move in with therapy.

  • We are transparent in the delivery of our clinical services, your funding and financial plan management, and your rights and choice to guide therapy

  • We are goal orientated with services delivered by proven evidence-based practice techniques

  • We strive for high level of clinical experience and loyalty to your therapy team

  • We promote community-based care to be in your natural environment

Our values

  • Multi-disciplinary Collaboration

    We work with our therapy team behind the scenes to ensure the clinical services we deliver are smooth, effective, efficient and consistent among all the therapists you engage with.

    This collaborative approach to care enhances clinical outcomes, the times we can achieve goals within and maximises value with funding budgets.

  • Transparent Communication

    We embrace open and honest communication both within our team as well as with our participants to ensure we are effective and efficient with the services we deliver.

    Good communication is essential to meeting patient expectations and clinical goals.

  • Efficient Operations

    We invest our time and resources to improving our systems, processes and technologies to advance the outcomes for our participants and the standard we can operate at.

    We continue to refine our service delivery each week with the goal of enhancing participant value at a level above industry standards.

  • Service Value

    We utilise our time and resources to maximise the outcomes for our participants. We look at each angle of a participants care to ensure they are receiving the best services we can provide at the most effective level.

    We continually review our services and operations to ensure we reduce inefficiency and maximising participant value.

  • Professional Accountability

    We acknowledge that participants and their families place their trust and care in our hands, and we hold our selves accountable as service providers to deliver a high standard of clinical care from start to finish along your health journey.

  • Participant, Clinician and Business Growth

    We are committed to develop as health professionals and as a service provider to improve our delivery of care as well as increase the scale we can provide our services at.

    We are developing each day to become industry leaders as a collaborative, multi-disciplinary, multi-location organisation who can provide a range of diverse skills via our team of healthcare experts at a level above industry standards.

Our core Purpose

To provide therapeutic services for those with Disabilities, Disorders and Delays.

Our Mission

At Advance Therapy, our mission is to provide a trusted, centralised, collaborative and accessible healthcare service for participants provided within the comfort of their home, within their local community and at our purpose-built facilities.

Our Vision

At Advance Therapy, we are driven by our vision.

  • We aim to build a multi-clinic network and empower a multidisciplinary team to collaborate on our shared goals.

  • We aim to use our small business attributes to adapt to the needs of our participants, our team and the local community.

  • We aim to design a profitable business model that allows for re-investment in our people, our community and our resources.

  • We prioritise and invest in our team as we see them as the pillars of our growth and success.

  • We aim to adopt industry leading technology, resources and practices to optimise efficiency and enhance client outcomes and employee satisfaction.

  • We embrace our humble origins with the passion to improve the lives of our team and the community we serve.