Terms and Conditions

As a part of our core values, we strive to deliver clear and transparent communication between Advance Therapy, our participants, and relevant Third-party stakeholders. We encourage participants and stakeholders to communicate their thoughts, concerns and suggestions with Advance Therapy to ensure all voices are heard and listened to.

1. Home Care Package Fees

1.1 - Commencing on the 17th of April 2023 our services provided to participants funded through My Aged Care - Home Care Packages will be changing. For new and existing participants with an approved Home Care Package receiving services with Advance Therapy, will incur an increase in service fee of $10 / Hour. This change will take all Home Care Package services from $175 / Hour to $185 / Hour. The change in fee’s is in accordance with our annual price review.

2. Cancellation policy

2.1 - There are important changes to our cancellation policy relating to the notification period when cancelling an appointment. These changes will come into effect as of the 17th of April. Our policy previously stated: “24 hours prior to an appointment” and has now been updated to, “1 full business days' notice prior to the day of your appointment”. This change means we will be adjusting our SMS reminders to be sent at 10 am 2 days prior to your appointment compared to the day prior (or earlier for appointments on Mondays), and you will have until the end of business day on the day you receive the SMS reminder to cancel without incurring a late cancellation fee. For example; If your appointment is at 2pm on Wednesday, we will send an SMS reminder on the Monday at 10am. You have until end of business day on the Monday to cancel your appointment without incurring a late cancellation fee. Please check our Cancellation Policy for further information.

3. Introduction to Non-Labour Costs Travel

3.1 - Advance Therapy will introduce a “non-labour travel fee” invoiced when visiting participants out in the community starting from 17th April 2023. It is important to understand that this fee is separate to the "Labour travel cost” that is already in place, which is called “labour cost – travel". The non-labour travel fee will cover the mileage/kms; whereas the labour cost -travel covers travel to and from a location when visiting a participant’s place of residence or in the community. This line item will be calculated at $1 per km from our clinic to the appointment location. This change is in alignment with the fee schedule outlined in the NDIA price guide.

Further information about this can be found in the National Disability Insurance Scheme – Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-2023 guide (Page 20 - Provider Travel – Non-Labour Costs section. https://www.ndis.gov.au/media/4514/download?attachment

4. Invoice description added on our invoicing to enhance transparency

4.1 - We strive to improve transparency in all services provided through Advance Therapy. This ensures accuracy in billable services and gives clear understanding for our participants. “Non-client facing billable service” items may include - preparation, notes, reports, resource development and other services related to non-client facing work. In some cases, we will be introducing additional line items to an outstanding invoice related to preparation of an appointment, resource development or other non-client facing time required to deliver an effective service.

For example, we may now introduce additional charges to allow for time allocated to set up, prepare resources or communicate with you or your care team.

5. Pre-home visit safety and risk assessment

5.1 - Our team will carry out a pre-home visit safety and risk assessment prior to all new home visit appointments. This cost will be added to your initial assessment invoice and will be invoiced at 15 minutes of the standard hourly rate.

The purpose of this appointment is to improve the safety, suitability and effectiveness of home and community-based sessions. During this assessment, the clinician will be able to identify whether the home or community location is suitable and appropriate for the upcoming session and if not, address this prior to the commencement of the session.

6. Privacy Policy

6.1 - Advance Therapy aims to protect sensitive client information, which is outlined in full under our Privacy Policy.

Advance Therapy has introduced additional security measures including, '2-Factor authentication' for client service-related information. Our booking and client information software is now protected via 2-Factor authentication software and is subject to strict access rights within our organisation.

7. Refund Policy

7.1 - Advance Therapy has introduced a refund policy that allows participants to claim a full refund on their service if:

a) You have pre-paid for a consultation and have appropriately cancelled this appointment in accordance with our cancellation policy.
b) You have paid for a consultation but believe you have not received the therapy requested.
c) You have paid for a consultation although were unsatisfied with the therapy received. 

7.2 - Advance Therapy will not provide a refund if:

a) You have paid for an assessment or report and have been provided with a copy of the report.
b) You have paid for a consultation and wish to cancel but have NOT complied with our Terms and Conditions and/or Cancellation policy.
c) You have paid for a consultation, but the appointment was cancelled by Advance Therapy due to failure to comply with our Terms and Conditions and/or Cancellation policy.

Please see our Refund Policy for further information.

If you require more information or would like to understand how our changes will affect you or your therapy, please feel free to contact us at admin@advancetherapy.com.au or call us on 9123 0001.