Partners & Community

At Advance Therapy we engage with organisations in our local community to improve the opportunities, connections and participation in social, physical and intellectual activities. We align with partners who have common interests and shared values.

Paralympics Australia

Advance Therapy is inspired by the work of Paralympics Australia, and we want to show our support by raising money for them.

Did you know they're a charity that relies on donations to continue their work?

Please help us support them by giving whatever you can. The more people that know about Paralympics Australia and the amazing work they do, the greater their impact can be.

Please spread the word by sharing our page with your friends and family.

Donate now



Tell Better Stories

Milparinka is a community organisation that provides a wide range of supports for people who have a disability. Milparinka supports under 200 people in Victoria in a range of community, home and living and centre-based supports. They have been around for over 70 years, and believes in being able to work alongside a person who has a disability and their family in partnerships achieving outcomes that are important to them. 

See Milparinka for a list of upcoming events and activities


Royal Children’s Hospital

The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH) has been providing outstanding care for Victoria's children and their families for 150 years.

They are the major specialist paediatric hospital in Victoria and our care extends to children from Tasmania, southern New South Wales and other states around Australia and overseas. With almost 4,000 staff, they provide a full range of clinical services, tertiary care and health promotion and prevention programs for children and young people.

Advance Therapy partners with Royal Children’s Hospital Post Intervention Therapy program to provide physiotherapy to patients post-surgery with Royal Children’s Hospital.

See RCH for more information on how to get involved.

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Reynard Street Neighbourhood house

Reynard Street Neighbourhood House (RSNH) is a not-for-profit organisation that supports and encourages a happy, healthy, vibrant and inclusive local community.

RSNH’s mission is to improve the wellbeing of our community and build a strong neighbourhood by being a welcoming place where everyone can learn, connect and play.

RSNH runs educational programs aimed at developing the skill base of the community, such as English classes for migrants, computer classes, Italian classes, art classes and other short courses.

They also provide health and wellbeing programs to assist individuals to maintain a healthy outlook and positive life balance. Through the established Community Garden, they engage with the community and facilitate inclusive activities which aim to combat social isolation and promote social connection.

See RSNH to see more about their current programs.


Kevin Heinze Grow

Kevin Heinze Grow are local leaders in delivering experiential learning and positive personal development through the use of therapeutic horticulture principles and our natural environment.

Kevin Heinze Grow provides programs including; Therapeutic horticulture activities in a garden setting, Hospitality training for people with disabilities, Certificate I & II TAFE Courses.

See Kevin Heinze Grow to find out more about their Grow programs.


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