Work Life Balance

At Advance Therapy we prioritise work-life balance because we believe it's essential to a healthy, engaged and motivated team. We are committed to offering flexible work arrangements that allow you to achieve a balance between your personal and professional responsibilities, leading to improved job satisfaction, productivity, and overall wellbeing.

We understand that in today's fast-paced world, people have various commitments and responsibilities outside of work. That's why we believe that offering flexible work arrangements is essential to ensuring our team have a healthy work-life balance.

Flexibility and assistance programs

We are all individuals and our needs can vary year to year, tailor the role and career journey to make it work for you.

  • Redefine your role and responsibilities as you grow within your career. Make your role meaningful, fulfilling and rewarding at each stage of your career and life journey.

  • Enjoy additional holidays and recharge days by purchasing top up leave to find the work-life balance that suits you, your family and your lifestyle.

  • Enjoy the autonomy of flexible hours and working arrangements that suit your needs for study, family and hobbies.

community Growth and Development

Coming soon!

Ready to join the Advance Therapy team?

Check out our job openings to see what positions we are recruiting for now. We are looking for fantastic Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Neurological Physiotherapists and Allied Health Assistants as well as a range of administrative and managerial roles.

Register your interest today to chat to one of our team members about future opportunities and how we can tailor a role for you.

To learn more, call 03 9123 0001 or email and speak to our management team about our job opportunities.