Independence through movement

Our experienced team of Physiotherapists at Advance Therapy support children and adults with a range of physical and non-physical related disabilities.

Our Physiotherapists are experts in enabling activity to improve the participants ability to engage in the home and community.



Our physiotherapy services support people’s ability to move their body in a way that allows them to participate in the hobbies, activities and work they may be currently limited doing. Our Physiotherapists will work with you to identify the key areas that need physical support and offer an enjoyable, practical and rewarding therapy that feels more like fun than a day's work.

Our Physio’s can provide conveniently located services in our clinics, a local park, gymnasium, hydrotherapy pool, your home, or a day program facility.

Our experienced Physiotherapists can develop a customised activity and exercise plan that suits your specific needs and works towards achieving your goals monitored by evidence-based outcome measures.

Our Physio’s support participants with Physical, Neurological, Intellectual, and Developmental related disabilities including:

Therapy we can provide includes:

  • Strength training

  • Gait retraining

  • Balance exercises

  • Falls prevention

  • Assistive technology prescription

  • Weight management

  • Coordination for the upper limb including throwing, catching, hitting, holding and releasing

  • Coordination for the lower limb including walking, running, jumping, steps and stairs

  • Functional activity practice including sit to stand, showering, dressing, toileting, vehicle navigation

physiotherapy Supports

  • Our Physiotherapists will perform a thorough assessment to better understand how we are able to best support you achieve your goals. Assessments provide critical information on your prior history, your current abilities, and your future activity goals. We look deeply into how your body moves including your muscle strength, joint range of motion, level of fitness and balance.

    We perform our assessments through a combination of formal assessments such as standardised balance and strength testing, outcome measures and non-formal assessments including getting up and off a chair, walking around your environment, going up and down steps, ramps and uneven grounds.

    We are able to provide a brief summary report of our assessment findings to share with family, doctors and support coordinators to better inform you of our findings and plans for therapy.

    For your first appointment, we often require a longer session to ensure we are able to collect all the information we may need to offer our services. We aim to join a part of your normal activities or routines to best see what life looks like and how we can incorporate our therapies into your lifestyle.

  • Our Physio’s are able to create an individualised exercise program to help continue with therapy goals in between sessions. To get the most from physiotherapy, we often request that you undergo a series of fun and rewarding exercises or movement practice to carry on the benefits of positive movement reinforcement, strength building or maintaining range of motion.

    Your tailored exercises can often be done at home or at a local park or facility with either no equipment or equipment that we can supply.

  • Our Physio’s often use movement assistive mobility equipment to enable the maximum amount of functional activity.

    In some cases, the use of mobility equipment can support individuals with their ability to stand, walk, or move more safely. Mobility equipment can include walking frames, walking sticks, articulating foot orthosis, moon boots and knee braces. The benefits of correctly fitted mobility equipment will allow you to move more safely and effectively around your home, school and community.

  • Everyone deserves the right to be active within their home and community environments to the level they wish to be involved in. Our Physiotherapists can help you achieve your full capacity by identifying and addressing any limitations that may be currently restricting you.

    Improving your physical capacity will enable a greater level of participation in social activities, employment opportunities as well as making day to day life like cooking and cleaning much easier. Our physios can show you how making a commitment to small and gradual improvements can lead to a significant and meaningful impact over time on your quality of life.

  • Through industry leading training, our Physiotherapists are able to implement evidence-based practice into their assessments and interventions to maximise the outcomes for participants.

    Once thoroughly assessed and treatment pathways established our Physiotherapy team are able to use equipment in the home, community and clinic to assist with the individual milestones required to achieve your goals. Therapy goals can often be broken down in one of five key areas: Muscle Strength, Joint Range of Motion, Movement coordination, Balance, and Postural control.

    We use practical life training to address the key areas and combine therapy with life activities to ensure the best functional and practical outcomes are achieved